Friday 1 June 2012

Sad Barbie Doll

Here I sit with her lying in my hands,Her plastic ripped at
the hand of a mans.That man will never feel guilt, or sadness,
While I sit here dwelling on the madness.Torn by the cruel
dge of a fingernail,One thing not harmed was her long
Her brand new shiny plastic torn to shreds,I can’t believe
she is already dead.
I do not think she suffered long,This makes me think of a
very sad song.Her life so short, not lived to its fullest,
My older brother can be the cruelest.

This doll was so very special to me,
Why couldn’t my brother just let her be?
I don’t think she can be replaced,
My brother can be so very two-faced.
Her tiny foot looks as if it was bit,
My brother won’t admit that he did it.
Sometimes he can be such a bad liar,
She looks to be torn by fenced barbed wire.

I can’t believe she is actually gone,
Nobody else cares; they just sit there and yawn.
I’m done trying to earn their sympathy,
They don’t understand my true empathy.

Here I sulk at the sadness of her death,
Though she is fake, she still took her last breath.
My brand new doll, he ruined her for good,
But my brother has never understood.

My brother will pay for what he has done,
Seeking revenge, everyone will be stunned.


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